Buying a new home is an exciting time—a fresh start with plenty of opportunity for growth and change. But there are some things to keep in mind as you’re moving into your new place that might not be on the top of your list but should be given just as much attention as unpacking or choosing where to put the furniture.
One of the most important things is to change all locks after you move in so no one can get in without permission! Our team has provided quality locksmith services here at Assist Locks for several years and would love to help make this transition a little easier by coming out and changing those locks today! Safety is one of the essential things when moving into a new home, and you may not have considered the implications of not changing your locks.
This might seem like a drastic task to carry out when you move into your brand new home, but we do have some main reasons why we would always recommend changing your locks; please keep reading to find out more!

Is Your New Home Secure?
Whether you have just bought your very first home or have upsized/ downsized, the first thing you need to think about is whether it is safe and secure; this includes a range of checks such as door locks. It is exciting moving into a new property, and we can get lost in all the excitement and energy of moving in, decorating your new home exactly how you want it and enjoy the happiness. Still, it would help if you thought about safety.
You never know whether the previous homeowners of the property have spare keys cut, and do you feel safe knowing there may be keys for your home out there that you don’t know about? Here at Assist Locks, we firmly believe that locks need to be changed when you move in because you don’t know who had access to your property in the past. Changing them will give you peace of mind.
At Assist Locks, we don’t just change locks for domestic clients; we can also work for commercial landlords with several properties in their portfolio. Changing your locks when a tenant has moved out is just as important as when you move into a new home because, again, you do not know who has access to the property.
Main Reasons To Change Your Locks
More often than not, when you move into a new home, the first thing on your list of things to do is not to call a locksmith! But in reality, it should be; as we said previously, it will give you peace of mind having your locks changed as it will prevent any possible intruders from breaking into your home using a key they already had.
Some main reasons to change your locks as soon as you move into a new property are;
- Previous owners might have kept keys
- Peace of mind knowing you are the only person to have the new key
- New high-quality locks are more secure
- Better security
- You can have the lock of your choice fitted.

Do You Want Your Locks Changing As Soon As Possible?
When it comes to changing the locks on your new home, there are a few things you can do to get the ball rolling; we have put together a few things you can do to ensure you are safe and secure in your home.
Schedule Your Locks In Advance
The best thing you can do is schedule to have your locks changed ahead of moving in; the locksmith you choose can prepare your new house keys and your new lock before the appointment, so all that needs to happen is to have it fitted when they arrive. When locksmiths can prepare the lock and key at the shop, it is much quicker as they have access to a wide range of tools and equipment to help; it can also be cheaper and more cost-effective doing it this way.
Wait Till You Have Closed On The Property
We recommend contacting your local locksmiths and discussing your specific needs and requirements, and when it comes to the date, you want to close. At your home, organise your appointment with the locksmith for the day after. The day you close on a new home can be hectic, and sometimes it doesn’t go to plan; organising your locksmith for the day after allows you the chance to cancel and rearrange should anything go wrong.

Should You Change Your Own Locks?
No! That is the most straightforward answer we can give you; we would never recommend changing your locks; it is complicated and time-consuming when you don’t know how to change locks. If you change the locks yourself and cause damage, you will have to contact a locksmith anyway, and also, if you do it wrong, it won’t protect you or your home.
Changing locks should without a doubt be left to the professionals; doing it yourself leaves you open to several problems such as insurance being invalid, the lock being faulty or damaged and many more; make sure you use a professional, give our team at Assist Locks a call.
Other Times You Should Change Your Locks
When it comes to the locks on your home, they are the most integral part of your security, so moving into a new home is one of many times you should change your locks, not if you want to stay safe. There is a vast range of other times you should consider changing your locks; let us dive into them.
If You Lose Your Keys
An item that gets lost by hundreds of homeowners regularly is their house keys; they are misplaced more often than not at times, with nearly every homeowner in the UK having lost their house keys at some point in their life.
If you have the misfortune of losing your keys, we recommend you look at getting your locks changed, even if you have a spare set; this is because once you have lost your keys, you do not know who has picked them up or where they could be found. Another reason to do this is that you can never be 100% certain that you have lost them and that they haven’t been stolen.
If you choose to get your lock replaced, you are more than likely to feel much safer and more secure in your home than you would if you did not know where your keys ended up.
Loaned your Keys To Someone
It is more common than you think to hand keys over to someone who does not live in the home; for example, if you have workers in the building carrying out work or you have a friend coming to dog sit for you, they will all need a key. Sometimes, these people must remember to return the keys to the homeowner. Should this happen, consider having your locks replaced, just again, to cover you with an extra layer of safety.
At any point when a stranger has had access to your keys and you did not get them back, you must consider changing your locks. It is a matter of safety.
Someone Moved Out Of The Property
This can be difficult, depending on the situation; for example, if a relationship has broken down or a roommate has moved out on bad terms. When this happens, we would recommend looking into getting your locks changed; this is simply down to a safety aspect; you do not know if the person who has left has any ill intentions against you or the property, and it also stops them from coming back for things that may not necessarily belong to them.
Don’t allow unwanted guests back into your home by changing your locks!
Have You had A Break-in?
One of the most concerning issues associated with being broken into is that you feel left worried and scared it will happen again; one of the best ways around this is by having your locks changed; another reason is that you do not know if the burglar has cloned the key if they had access to it.
Not only that, but the locks might be damaged, leaving your home at risk and unsecure!
You Just Want To Feel Safe
You may want to change the locks on your home just to feel safe; you may feel uncomfortable or uneasy; if this is the case, you need to change your locks; they are the primary way you feel safe in your home, by upgrading or changing your locks you may find yourself getting peace of mind.
Another reason to get your locks changed is that you may be looking for extra security when you go on holiday or away for an extended period. Knowing you have the best locks on the market will help you feel confident that your home is protected and safe.

Rekeying Vs Changing Your Locks
When it comes to keeping your home safe, many homeowners think the only option is to change the locks; this is only sometimes the case; have you heard of rekeying? This can sometimes be a cheaper solution to having the locks changed. However, it offers a different level of protection for your home.
Whilst changing the locks is self-explanatory, it does mean you change the locks on your property and have brand new ones fitted, whereas rekeying is a little more complex.
Rekeying refers to changing a key to fit the same current lock; simply put the lock in your property will remain the same, but your old house keys will no longer be able to open the lock.
Rekeying is carried out by opening the lock itself and replacing some of the components; they are known as tumblers, and they respond to specific keys, but once they have been changed, they will no longer respond to your current house key, only the new one.
It may sound like a complicated task, and it is, but using a professional and experienced locksmith will make the process smooth and stress-free; it is a process that should only take a few minutes.
When Should You Choose Rekeying Over Changing Locks
There are a handful of times we recommend considering getting your locks rekeyed over changed; these are as follows;
- If the components in your lock stop working but the rest is in good condition, a locksmith can replace the components rather than the entire lock.
- You are looking to change the way your lock looks to fit into the design and aesthetic of your property.
- You want to upgrade your lock to a higher security or digital lock.

Contact Assist Locks Today
Well, you’ve found your dream home, and it’s time to move in. While packing up the last few boxes, there is a small but important detail that may have been overlooked – changing all of your locks! It can be hard to think about this kind of thing when you’re anxious about closing the house or dealing with chaos on moving day.
However, they know how important it is if anyone has ever compromised their security because they didn’t change their locks after purchasing a new home. Let us worry about getting those pesky keys cut for you so that nothing stands between you and settling into your new place without any worries! Contact Assist Locks today to make sure everything is taken care of before finalising anything else. Give us a call today, always more than happy to discuss your specific needs and requirements; we want you to feel happy and safe in your new home.
Book online to make an appointment with our Master Locksmith Association locksmiths.